13 February 2011

Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot + Omake Today

1. about how if I were braver. How if I had this courage to say what I wanted to say, to be able to punch or slap people. How I would cry to defend something.

2. about how if I lose someone I love. How I would cry. And sometimes at the same time, I think how people will cry if I die.

3. that nothing in this world is eternal. Nothing. Even love.

4. remembering old times with my friends. Laughing my head of something stupid or ridiculous we did.

5. about how everything would turned out if I were a better human than I am now, if I were better at everything, at music, at presenting my opinion, at japanese and english, and if things would be different if I had big brothers.

6. about what my true feeling is to a certain person. Whether I love him as a man, or just like him as a friend, or admire him as a brother.

7. about many things. I am supposed to write my final report now instead of updating my blog. I am supposed to finish that song now instead of streaming yuu yuu hakusho. Oh well... Life is hard. :P


Ifa came to my house at around 11, I think, to give Amanda's and Ucca's card for the sotsugyousei and also Ucca's teki to be given to Fidela. After that, I went to church.

I was in the bad mood for the whole mass. I was bete with this person. He smirked too often today, indicated that the songs were not sung well. He often does that actually, but I just don't know why I found it too irritating today.

Ok. Bete with that person.

But he did something... something that made me question.
He pinched my cheeks and said that I was... lucu.
Not sure though, whether it's lucu as in omoshiroi or kawaii.

Baito was no less stressing. It was quite hima and tiring. And one of this senpai is as irritating as always. When he asked what is wrong with me, I answered that I was in the bad mood since this morning. He, with his KYness, said that he can't understand that people can be in bad mood for a long time.

He didn't know what made me feel irritated was standing in front of my eyes.

And now, back to my lovely kotatsu. Trying to get start writing report.
Truly, life is hard...