28 February 2011


Off to Kansai today! :)

Baru balik beppu lagi tgl 5

Pokoknya 4 hari kedepan gw mau hepi2 dulu
abis balik beppu bakal langsung stres lagi soalnya

saman 12 maret
taiko nyuugakushiki
saman nyugakushiki

dan setelah itu bakal mulai semester baru

kalo dipikir2
liburan spring kali ini gw ga liburan
tiap hari sibuk dan latihan

seneng sih ada kerjaan selama liburan
tapi rasanya pengen gt 3 hari aja ga ngapa2in


Semoga nyuugakuhiki pun bisa lancar dan sukses :)

27 February 2011


Hari ini honban saman OBS!!!

Lumayan bagus sih
untuk performance pertama kali


Terus seperti biasa si Ui melakukan kebodohan lagi
bareng anak2 arauma sih

Jadi salah satu lirik gerakan saman
yaitu gerakan yang disebut "hat kalahat"
ato bisa juga disebut "Si jumpo"

liriknya itu

Si jumpa merah si ulet karet lamanau
Hat kalahat mana mana
Hat kalahat mana man
Coh ampok tengku raja~

diubah liriknya


katanya kedengerannya kyk gt

26 February 2011


hari ini riha saman OBS
di Oita

Sumpah man
giri2 bgt

Jadi gw selesai taiko jam 2
terus gw leha2 di union
Niatnya ambil bus yang jam 4
soalnya gw suruh anak2 kumpul di beppu eki jam 5 kan

terus ternyata gw KETIDURAN DI SOFA UNION!!
Sadar2 udah jam 3.57
udah ga sempet yang jam 4
akhirnya gw ambil yang jam 4.05

Nyampe di beppu eki
naek kereta yang jam setengah 6
Terus nyampe di tempat nya juga giri2 bgt
semuanya udah nyampe, tinggal apuina doang hahaha

Ya udah deh,
riha lumayan lancar sih
begitu2 saja
paling tinggal ningkatin semangat aja

Besok honban
Semoga bisa berjalan lancar
Semoga bisa bagus
Semoga pengalaman pertama gw sebagai kashira saman bisa sukses

24 February 2011






21 February 2011



Hari ini per 2 latihan mairaku.
Gw balik lagi ke tachi, untuk memenuhi mokuhyou gw yang sempet terlupakan.
Tachi sampe Yuko bilang bagus. :P

Per 3 latihan wadaiko kyk biasa.
Tapi cm satu period doang. :(

Terus sampe jam 4 latihan saman 12 maret.
terus sampe jam 6 latihan saman buat OBS.

Capee bgt

Terus abis itu ke rumah Miyu.
Buat bikin sample hadiah sotsugyousei wadaiko.
Sebelum itu makan dulu dong.
Si Miyu bikin green curry Thailand gt.
Enak bgt. hahaha

Terus baru bikin hadiah nya.
Ternyata lumayan gampang.
walopun gw ga bantuin apa2, cm ngeliatin aja hahahaha.

Terus gw ngukir2 di kayu sisa
ngukir hiragananya MIYU.
Ternyata mengukir itu menyenangkan hahaha.
Asal ga dikebut waktu aja. :D

20 February 2011

Day Ten: One confession + Omake Today

1. I really want to cry right now. wtf.


I woke up in the morning to meet Miyu who just came back from thailand. We are planning to make presents for the graduating wadaiko's senpais.
We met at hirose home centre to but the elements. With Jatyo also.

When we were choosing the wood, Miyu asks me whether si kaki panjang will graduate or not. I answered with doubt. Then I realize that si bagong is not in the list of wadaiko's graduating senpais.

When I asked Miyu about that, she replied, "Bagong did not make it"

Oh well.
wtf and wtf.

19 February 2011

Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now + Omake Today

1. :l

2. =.=


Today, practice as always.
I had saman at first period eventough it only last for 1 hour
Then taiko. Then zapin performance.

Today was pretty fun.
Except that I was scolded by a boy who is 3 years younger than me.
What made me shocked is that I told him to do the right movement.
But then, he yelled at me.

"Your legs. Don't rest."

He yelled. -____-

To you, if you read this post.
Show some respect. Show your passion, not only in talks but also in actions.
You are tired? Everybody is. No one is not.

Just a little information.
We will not judge you by your age. We won't give you any privilege just because you are younger than us.

Day Eight: Three turn-ons (a day late...sorry) + Omake Saikin

1. Proper height. At least 3cm more than mine.

2. Wide shoulder. You know why.

3. Open minded. That's it.


Yesterday I had a nomikai wanna-be dinner with Eja Ifa Kuri Ray Mono Sute Dea.
We had nabe and chuhai and umeshuu :D

It was really fun
Chatting while eating and drinking
Talking about unnecessary things
Sharing about random things
Laughing our heads off over something silly

Kuri went red soon afterwards
Even his head!!
Eja just cut his hair before coming to my house

Oh yeah btw,
I did not tell my housemate that we were holding a makan2 in our apato
Enough. Don't ask why.

Eja Ifa and I successfully record our project to mairaku sotsugyousei
with help from Kuri
We did fail several times
but oh well, who cares.
The feeling is more important that anything else.


Then eja stayed a night at my place
He took the first bus, waking me up, but then I slept again :P

Today's practice was so so
I think Yukio is kind of angry today since the other shinnyuuseis did not do what they have told to do.

I don't know about me.
He seldom give any comments about my movement or style.
I don't know whether it is because I do the right thing or he doesn't concern about me.
I prefer comments though.

Maa, hopefully I can be better through this 1 and a half month of practice.

16 February 2011

Day Seven: Four turn-offs

1. Impoliteness. KY.

2. Talkative in disturbing way. I love talkative people but I appreciate silence in some terms.

3. Underestimation. You are certainly not able to do everything perfectly, are you?

4. Indecisive. Grow up already!

15 February 2011

Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (In no specific order whatsoever)

1. Family. Who don't?

2. High school friends. They are my angels who helped me through 3 years of hell.

3. Mai-raku members. and wadaiko's also.

4. APUIna batch 20-21. Let's do our best for Indonesian Week 2011. :)

5. You.

14 February 2011

Day Five: Six things you wish you'd never done + Omake Today

1. I wish I had never been born as the first child. That fact gives me pressure that I have to be the best and have to be a proper example for my other siblings. And it hurts when I know that I can't, when in the end I am often compared with my little sister, when I have to sacrifice something to prove myself to my parents. And it costs a lot. It even costs my existence. I really want big brother.

2. I wish I had never been the tops at elementary and junior high schools. It gave me this pride and big-headed character of mine. I always got good score without really studying. I was often chosen to join competitions. I was in the student representative council. But everything changed when I was in senior high school. Everything was different. I was nearly the stupidest person in class. I could barely get myself a save position with extra effort of studying. It is a back-fire.

3. I wish I had never been this introvert. Everyone sees me as an extrovert since I am loud. But actually I am not. I don't tell my personal stories with others, not even my parents. I wish I could change. If only I could. Or can I?

4. I wish I had never been so easy to fall in love. Just by having a simple conversation, by having him tapping my shoulder or head, by having a good time with him. It really disappoints me when I realize that it just an admiration.

5. I wish I had never stopped learning ballet. I do love dancing.

6. I wish I had never watched anime too much. It draws my attention, sometimes in such a disturbing way. But I do still watch it anyway -__-


Today is valentine's day! A "yay~"? No.
I spent 6 hours at choromatsu.
5 hours washing oranges in cold water.

Then, practice. Zapin and Saman.
And I am still bete today.

13 February 2011

Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot + Omake Today

1. about how if I were braver. How if I had this courage to say what I wanted to say, to be able to punch or slap people. How I would cry to defend something.

2. about how if I lose someone I love. How I would cry. And sometimes at the same time, I think how people will cry if I die.

3. that nothing in this world is eternal. Nothing. Even love.

4. remembering old times with my friends. Laughing my head of something stupid or ridiculous we did.

5. about how everything would turned out if I were a better human than I am now, if I were better at everything, at music, at presenting my opinion, at japanese and english, and if things would be different if I had big brothers.

6. about what my true feeling is to a certain person. Whether I love him as a man, or just like him as a friend, or admire him as a brother.

7. about many things. I am supposed to write my final report now instead of updating my blog. I am supposed to finish that song now instead of streaming yuu yuu hakusho. Oh well... Life is hard. :P


Ifa came to my house at around 11, I think, to give Amanda's and Ucca's card for the sotsugyousei and also Ucca's teki to be given to Fidela. After that, I went to church.

I was in the bad mood for the whole mass. I was bete with this person. He smirked too often today, indicated that the songs were not sung well. He often does that actually, but I just don't know why I found it too irritating today.

Ok. Bete with that person.

But he did something... something that made me question.
He pinched my cheeks and said that I was... lucu.
Not sure though, whether it's lucu as in omoshiroi or kawaii.

Baito was no less stressing. It was quite hima and tiring. And one of this senpai is as irritating as always. When he asked what is wrong with me, I answered that I was in the bad mood since this morning. He, with his KYness, said that he can't understand that people can be in bad mood for a long time.

He didn't know what made me feel irritated was standing in front of my eyes.

And now, back to my lovely kotatsu. Trying to get start writing report.
Truly, life is hard...

12 February 2011

Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart

1. Be polite. Show your respect to other. Don't be such a person that think he can be friends with all the people. First impression is important for me after all.

2. Make jokes. Be funny. Make me laugh. I love jokes and funny stories. And I love people who can make me laugh off my head.

3. Tap my head, if we are close enough. Don't try anything aggressive when I am not comfortable with you. Read the situation and if you think I am comfortable with you, do something like tapping my head, pinching my cheeks, having your arm around my shoulder. But tapping my head would be the best thing to do.

4. Put yourself well. Think critically when needed, tell jokes when needed. Say what you need to say.

5. It's better if we can meet everyday. Or at least regularly.

6. Bare with me. With my loudness, with my fashion, with my eating habits, with my hobbies, with my randomness, with my character, with my values. But not in such way that make me a total egoist. I appreciate any comments, critics, opinions.

7. Talk and listen well.

8. Be mature. You know what I mean.

Day Two: Nine things about yourself

1. I am loud. Like extremely loud. Sometimes I hate it myself. I realize that it will be found really annoying. And because of that, people think I am fierce. Well, I actually am tough.

2. I love talking. I love talking to people about themselves, about myself. I love gossips!! I know it's not a good thing but who cares? There must be somebody talk behind my back also, so it is actually fine for me to talk about people. People stab each other, even best friends, I've experienced that before.

3. I love listening. I love listening to stories. My friend's, my teacher's, my senior's, my junior's. Everyone, except my parent's since they will talk about their hard time like a quarter century ago, what they did and how they see that I am not doing my best in everything.

4. I really love playing piano IF I like the song. Classics fine actually except the fact that it is tiring and hard to remember and too much complicated notes. But I like some classics songs like sonatinas. But I love romantic songs, like Canon or Plaisir De Amour.

5. I learn faster by watching. Some people learn by listening, some by writing. I learn by watching. I learn "Star Time- Piano Version", which I arranged myself, by watching someone playing it on youtube. I watched it over and over again and made my own arrangement. I watched nanazu to get all the tempo and timing and stuffs. And I think it only took me like 2 koteren times to memorize tsuttoutsu part.

6. I enjoy drinking alcohol now, eventhough I despised it 6 months ago, I think? Takumi said that it gave his nice feeling by drinking alcohol. I did not believe him at that time. But I understand the feeling now. Alcohol does give you nice feeling afterwards, especially when you get a slight headache. Oh, I must apologize to Takumi.

7. I have this kind of addiction towards Lipton Milk Tea. I don't know why. I just found it too delicious.

8. I love mairaku and wadaiko-raku. You can say both of them are part of my life now in this tiny town called Beppu. Now I can hardly imagine how hima I was in the first semester. Like, all I did were just going to classes, going back to dorm, cooking random food, reviewing what I learnt that day, and that's all. I didn't know that there is another floor at cafeteria which I can not live without. Now that I join both of them gives me a lot of things to do, from the troublesome one, like holding an endless meeting, until the fun one, like having drinking party and having your senior dancing in front of train station at 3 in the morning.

9. I expect high politeness from other people towards me. I myself realize that I speak in polite ways especially to seniors. If I call a senior by his/her name, it means that I know that person close enough. I expect the same thing. I don't mind having juniors call me by my name IF they are close enough to me. But if they aren't, I will see them as impolite.

10 February 2011

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now

1. You are greedy. At least in my opinion. You got everything you want. Everything cheap but comfortable. And I have to be the one who fill the space. It's fine IF you help to do the other things BUT APPARENTLY YOU DON'T. I am not the one who ask you to come along with me in the first place. IT WAS YOU! I know I am not the smartest person on the earth and surely I AM NOT AS SMART AS YOU ARE. But I have a lot of things to do, more than you. Could you please think about others also rather than only yourself? I doubt you can do it though. And I know I am not the kindest person here, but cash does not always save you. Kindness does.

2. I know you have a lot of problems in your life. But I hope you can be more mature. Remember the time when you asked me and him whether it is childish to not wanting to hear the name of the person you hate? Actually I wanted to answer "It's not childish, but it is not something an adult would do". But since he answered first and his answer would make me a complete antagonist, all I could say was "well...". I really like our friendship right now and I am really happy to be your friend. But I just want you to know that I can not really give you friendship that only makes you feel better. Friend is someone who cares about you, who tells you what is right and what is wrong, who praise you if you've done right and scold you if you've done wrong. That is my value. But I will be there if you need me.

3. I always envy you. You have curly hair that I always want. You have speaking ability that I always want. I am really happy with our friendship too you know. Cheer up and be genki again. I know it is hard time for you. You know I will be there for you too.

4. You are... I can't even describe it. I respected you, I admired you. But I take it back all. Just information for you, I do not respect you anymore, as a senior, as a man. Your characters annoys me most. Well, I know you certainly do not like me tough, so we are even.

5. You know what, I actually like your relationship with her. But I now agree with your choice.

6. You have changed me. From someone insecure to someone who is more open to everybody. From someone naive to someone who can pay more attention to other things. Now I can surely say that I am comfortable having you tapping my head even though I told you that I do not like having someone tapping my head because I would feel like a complete child, that I am comfortable having you pinching my cheeks which I would not let anyone to do so 6 months ago. You will certainly miss you for good. And I'm looking forward to see you future children. :P

7. I will miss you also!! You know how much you resemble with my youngest brother? I often imagine my brother would look like you when he grow up. I really enjoy my time with you, when I have my period off and there is only you to talk with. I like your personality in general, just don't be a sadist :P

8. Thank you for what you did last time at the wadaiko koteren. You welcomed me who are a complete beginner. I really really appreciate that which made me realize what wadaiko is lacking of right now. A senior like you, who encourage juniors to challenge themselves, who can be fun and serious when needed. Once again, thank you. I will do my best in doing taiko so that I can make my performance with you and the others, playing the one that you let me to do before.

9. Be consistent of what you said. It is an old story. Last year. Before countdown. One day before countdown to be exact, if you read this and still remember and realize that this one goes for you. I like to be friend with you. But I just don't like that you were not consistent of what you said. You said that it would be hard the next day that you have to organize everything. I appreciate your answer and the fact that you declined my offer to join the party. But then, when SOMEONE offered you to join the party in his house, clearly after I did the same thing, you accepted it, in front of my eyes, even without feeling bad or thinking twice. Nice.

10. I actually do not enjoy cooperating with you and I am suffering because I pretend I did. FYI, you made me cry TWICE before 19th December last year. Did you know that? I suppose you did not.

And it took me like an hour to finish this post -___-

08 February 2011

Bungee Jumping

Tadinya banyak yang mau gw tulis disini

Tapi gara2 ANDA
saya jadi malas
dan ga niat

satu hal yang perlu anda ketahui
segala sesuatu di dunia ga bisa diukur dengan uang
dan saya harap anda tidak terlalu perhitungan
karena sejujurnya kalau anda mau saya perhitungan,
banyak hal yang belum anda bayar dan tidak pernah saya tagih
banyak kesalahan yang anda lakukan dan tidak pernah saya singgung
banyak kata2 anda yang menyakiti saya dan tidak pernah saya gubris

tolong bersikaplah lebih dewasa
jangan egois
pikirkan juga orang lain




Di jepang itu ada budaya yang namanya nomikai
Itu sebenernya cm acara ngumpul2 doang
tapi minumnya itu minum bir
pokoknya yang beralkohol

Nah, tapi kalo kasus minum2 di jepang itu ekstrim
Mereka sampe biasa kalo mabok
bahkan bakal disorakin kalo minum sampe muntah

Jadi cerita punya cerita
anak2 taiko ngadain nomikai
Tadinya kalo ga ada orang indonesianya, gw males ikut
tapi ternyata ada jatyo (senpai thn ke-3) samap eja juga
Ya jadilah gw ikut
Orang indonesia yang ikut cm 4 orang
jatyo eja gw sama edbert anak thn pertama

Terus2 seperti biasa kita makan2 dulu
terus baru minum2

satu per satu mulai mabok lah mereka
mulai dari mitsu
terus koizumi shiho saki yuuto
bahkan miyu juga

Semuanya ngomong udah ngelantur
jalan udah sempoyongan

Terus diantara orang indonya
yang bisa minum cm gw doang
jatyo eja muslim jadi ga boleh minum
edbert masih 16thn masih kecil XD

akhirnyalah gw yang dicekokin

itu pertama kalinya gw minum segitunya
sampe kepala gw pusing

ternyata emang bener
kalo udah kebanyakan kepalanya jadi pusing bgt
berat gt rasanya
dan perasaanya pengen ketawa terus

Untungnya gw abis itu ga minum lagi
bisa mampus gw

Tapi mungkin salah satu sisi baik dari budaya ini adalah
hubungan orang bisa jadi dekat satu sama lain

contohnya aja
gw jadi bisa ngobrol biasa sama saki yuuto dan koizumi
padahal mereka jauh senpai dari gw
yaaah walopun mereka lagi mabok sih
tapi gw rasa, kali berikutnya gw ketemu mereka
kejadian kemaren bakal jadi kenangan lucu

Besokannya ada nomikai lagi buat anak mairaku
kali ini ga gt banyak minum sih
toh yang bisa minum juga sedikit
dan sebenernya lebih difokuskan party buat anak2 yang mau lulus

tapi kita jadi pada maen game2
yang kalah dikasih hukuman
yukio kalah disuruh nari nanazu di depan stasiun
sambil pegang sawi XD

satu hari lagi berkurang waktu sama mereka

04 February 2011


Baru saja gw menyadari
Kalo ternyata hidup gw amat sangat membosankan
amat sangat monoton
amat sangat datar

Tidak ada kejadian
Tidak ada hal buruk yang terjadi
Tidak ada hal baik yang terjadi

Entah gw harus senang atau sedih

01 February 2011


Hari ini hari terakhir gw ujian
dan sebenernya cuma jitsuryoku shiken nihongo doang
jadi ga belajar dari mana2

Pas naek bus ke kampus
tiba2 pikiran gw jadi mellow sendiri

Entah kenapa tiba2 gw mikirin sesuatu yang bisa kita sebut "keabadian"
Dan gw jadi setuju kalo segala sesuatu di dunia itu tidak ada yang abadi

Sesuatu hal secara fisik, tentu saja tidak abadi
Kita makin tua, kuliat makin keriput, tulang makin keropos, pundak makin bungkuk
rambut makin putih, dan sekawannya

Sesuatu hal secara psikologis juga tidak akan pernah abadi
Hari ini gw bisa benci sama satu orang
tapi besok kannya gw bisa suka sama dia
atau sebaliknya
Contoh lain, kepribadian seseorang juga akan selalu berubah
gw dulu paling anti yang namanya bergantung sama orang lain, termasuk sama orang tua
pas masuk APU juga gw masih dengan ego gw yang tinggi
gw yang sekarang, lebih longgar soal masalah ini
gw lebih bisa terbuka dan bermanja2 pada orang2 tertentu

Hal lainnya adalah hubungan antar manusia, entah itu baik atau buruk, yang akan selalu berubah
atau lebih tepatnya harus berubah
lagi2 entah berubah ke arah yang lebih baik atau ke arah yang lebih buruk
ada yang kemaren teman, sekarang jadi musuh
ada yang kemaren ga kenal , sekarang jadi temen baek

Kepergian yukio, ui, naoka, may dari APU (entah itu karena mereka lulus atau bukan) adalah salah satu contohnya

Gw berpikir
Gw yang mereka kenal adalah gw yang sekarang
Apa pikiran mereka kalo suatu saat kita nanti ketemu
disaat gw udah berubah
disaat gw udah jadi lebih dewasa, misalnya?
atau waktu gw punya prinsip dan cara pikir yang berbeda dari sekarang
Dan apa yang ada di pikiran mereka kalo misalnya ternyata gw ga berubah sama sekali?

Dengan adanya waktu dan tempat yang bakal memisahkan kita
apakah nanti begitu kita ketemu lagi
kita bisa tetep ngobrol santai kyk biasa?
atau malah jadi kaku?

Berikutnya, prinsip dan pemikiran seseorang bisa berubah kapan pun
sepertinya yang udah gw jelaskan tadi

Lalu, kalo ada orang yang bilang "cinta itu abadi"??
No I do not think so
Gw pernah interview nyokap temen gw soal pernikahan
Terus dia jawab "kalo sekarang mah udah jadi kyk sodara"

Gw... bingung...
apa betul rasa cinta yang mereka rasakan pas mereka muda dulu
seiring dengan berjalannya waktu bisa membuat perasaan mereka berubah?
Intinya bahkan cinta pun akan berubah

segala sesuatu di dunia ini, baik sesuatu fisik ataupun yang abstrak, tidak ada yang abadi
Segalanya akan terus berubah

Sekarang pilihan nya ada pada kita masing2
mau membawa perubahan itu ke arah yang lebih baik
atau tetap mengalir begitu saja
atau malah terbawa arus yang salah

Apa pun itu pilihan yang ada
just remember that you are not alone
even if you think you are,
remember that there is always someone meant to be with you

Dan yang perlu gw lakukan sekarang adalah
membuat diri gw sendiri percaya kalo kalimat yang gw tulis sendiri itu benar

Oh ya Tuhan~

Secara resmi gw umumkan
kalo exam gw selesai!!

sebenernya masih ada jitsuryoku shiken nihongo sih
tp gw bisa belajar dari mana2 juga

dan satu lagi hal terheboh dari bawah kotatsu saudara2


otsukare, diriku...