19 February 2011

Day Eight: Three turn-ons (a day late...sorry) + Omake Saikin

1. Proper height. At least 3cm more than mine.

2. Wide shoulder. You know why.

3. Open minded. That's it.


Yesterday I had a nomikai wanna-be dinner with Eja Ifa Kuri Ray Mono Sute Dea.
We had nabe and chuhai and umeshuu :D

It was really fun
Chatting while eating and drinking
Talking about unnecessary things
Sharing about random things
Laughing our heads off over something silly

Kuri went red soon afterwards
Even his head!!
Eja just cut his hair before coming to my house

Oh yeah btw,
I did not tell my housemate that we were holding a makan2 in our apato
Enough. Don't ask why.

Eja Ifa and I successfully record our project to mairaku sotsugyousei
with help from Kuri
We did fail several times
but oh well, who cares.
The feeling is more important that anything else.


Then eja stayed a night at my place
He took the first bus, waking me up, but then I slept again :P

Today's practice was so so
I think Yukio is kind of angry today since the other shinnyuuseis did not do what they have told to do.

I don't know about me.
He seldom give any comments about my movement or style.
I don't know whether it is because I do the right thing or he doesn't concern about me.
I prefer comments though.

Maa, hopefully I can be better through this 1 and a half month of practice.