12 January 2010

Jangan Percaya Translator Internet

Nih kopas dari postingan gw sebelumnya
yang ttg si Amanda pingsan

Gw ngakak2 sendiri aja deh bacanya XDXD

Most days the Second World Yabai

Posted by Toki no Tabibito at 11:03 PM

Today, almost a day at least two yabai world.
The first was the right bus keabisan we've created home to APHouse.
Well, today was the day the second yabai

So the story around siap2 want 9an gw ofuro.
Ya udah, gw key borrowed it.
Keep fit ngisi key pinjeman list, above a clay gw gw


Well, it's also Amanda ofuro
must equal the Mami Rena

Ya udah dong, gw in

Fit in, gw first thing to do is greet them.
Gw said "Wait, jgn out once ya ...."
Biar gw mah mean we can talk together while berendem gt.

Apparently, pas gw in ofuronya, they say
"Oh Ly, sorry, we've long Udah nih ... dizzy ..."

Yes gw ga dong force.
Gw aja said "Oh, yes've gapapa ..."

They continue to rinse gt

Naaaaaah ....
Ga few minutes interval, the Cella shouted tiba2 gt
Bgt Kenceng more ...
Lah gw shock

Gw think he jatoh, so keep gw asked
"Gapapa, Cell??"

No answer ....

Continue gw ga tetep berkali2 asked to answer each of the Cella.
It turned out that not jatoh Cella but Amanda.
Jump samperin aja tuh gw children.

The Amanda gt've sat slumped, his face pucet abis, his body swaying.
We asked him sick in ga where, earlier where jatoh position, dizziness ga, how feelings.
But as the Manda answered his people again tuh kyk ga concentration

Finally beneran ...
He sempet palace collapsed in ofuro gt
Eventually gara2 kyknya berendem, so dizzy, plus jatoh too.

Finally he sirem gw pake cold water
Gw told him to keep drinking water
After a few minutes, he's awake again
Katanya sih udah better
Abis trafficked home immediately at the Mami

Turns out he had passed out earlier in ofuro jg
=.= a

Genesis spread cepet bgt.
Pas sampe gw key Balikin, his security people nanya gt
"There was a man unconscious in ofuro??"

Gw cm senyam smile alone could aja deh ... : P


yak, silakan dibandingkan :)):))


holy night said...

hahaha ngakak bacanya... XD